Dean's List

Dean's List Eligibility: An undergraduate student who carries 12-14 hours of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a grade point average of 3.45 or better for the current semester. An undergraduate student who carries 15 hours of coursework and who attains a grade point average of 3.25 or better for the current semester.

Hometown information comes from the active, permanent address provided by the student. Students who have chosen to have privacy restrictions will not appear on these lists.

Fall 2024

First Name Last Name Major College or School Class City State Zip County
Otto Smith Agroecology & Sustainable Agri
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Arden NC 28704 Buncombe
Ben Bouressa Instrumental Music Education
Hayes School of Music
Senior Asheville NC 28805 Buncombe
Emily Leahy General Concentration
University College
Sophomore Asheville NC 28804 Buncombe
Mia Fenn Cell/Molecular Biology
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Asheville NC 28803 Buncombe
Seth Wells Environmental Studies
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Asheville NC 28806 Buncombe
Chayse Howard Instrumental Music Education
Hayes School of Music
Senior Fairview NC 28730 Buncombe
Ava Niemas Communication Studies
University College
Sophomore Swannanoa NC 28778 Buncombe
Jarett Nadeau Architectural Tech & Design
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Asheville NC 28803 Buncombe
Braden Young International Business
Walker College of Business
Junior Asheville NC 28804 Buncombe
Gregor Scott Construction Management
University College
Sophomore Asheville NC 28804 Buncombe
Katie Peterson Finance and Banking
Walker College of Business
Junior Asheville NC 28806 Buncombe
Joe Rath Architectural Tech & Design
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Arden NC 28704 Buncombe
James Carpenter Undecided
University College
Freshman Asheville NC 28806 Buncombe
Lauren Dennis Instrument/Piano
Hayes School of Music
Junior Asheville NC 28804 Buncombe
Colin Abernathy Electronic Media/Broadcasting
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Asheville NC 28803 Buncombe
Preston Leslie Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Candler NC 28715 Buncombe
Avery Hines Creative Writing
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Fletcher NC 28732 Buncombe
Faith Goyne Veterinary Technology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Arden NC 28704 Buncombe
Emma Jaynes General Marketing
University College
Sophomore Asheville NC 28805 Buncombe
Thompson Murray Computer Information Systems
University College
Sophomore Asheville NC 28803 Buncombe
Cole Blake Accounting
Walker College of Business
Senior Asheville NC 28801 Buncombe
Ava Allen Environmental Studies
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Black Mountain NC 28711 Buncombe
Hannah Hale Computer Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Weaverville NC 28787 Buncombe
Chloe Ledbetter Cell/Molecular Biology
University College
Sophomore Arden NC 28704 Buncombe
Sarah Dean Science and Social Studies
University College
Sophomore Candler NC 28715 Buncombe
Izzy Fanning-Wilson General Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Leicester NC 28748 Buncombe
Kelsey Walker Accounting
Walker College of Business
Senior Swannanoa NC 28778 Buncombe
Madison Squires Health Studies
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Montreat NC 28757 Buncombe
Skylar Mitchell Nursing
University College
Freshman Asheville NC 28806 Buncombe
Will Fiore General Concentration
University College
Sophomore Asheville NC 28803 Buncombe
Lulu Kenworthy Sustainable Business
Walker College of Business
Senior Asheville NC 28806 Buncombe
Candice Birchfield Sustainable Technology
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Sophomore Asheville NC 28801 Buncombe
Cord Doss American Politics
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Asheville NC 28804 Buncombe
Kian Lawler Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Arden NC 28704 Buncombe
Nick Amon Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Weaverville NC 28787 Buncombe
Ada Maude General Curriculum K-12
University College
Freshman Weaverville NC 28787 Buncombe
Hayden Dietzman Computer Information Systems
Walker College of Business
Junior Asheville NC 28805 Buncombe
Isabel Bishop Outdoor Experiential Education
University College
Freshman Barnardsville NC 28709 Buncombe
Kaylee McElrath Business
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Asheville NC 28805 Buncombe
Teamo Emile Undecided
University College
Freshman Asheville NC 28803 Buncombe
Magdeline Aylor Social Work
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Weaverville NC 28787 Buncombe
Caeden Pinkerton General Management
Walker College of Business
Junior Fairview NC 28730 Buncombe
Loren Jones Interior Design
University College
Sophomore Leicester NC 28748 Buncombe
Stella Chudomel Undecided
University College
Freshman Fairview NC 28730 Buncombe
Jose Sanchez Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Asheville NC 28804 Buncombe
Murdoch Wiprut Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Fletcher NC 28732 Buncombe
Luke Romano Astronomy
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Fairview NC 28730 Buncombe
Aidan Lindsey Applied Physics
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Asheville NC 28801 Buncombe
Chris Arevalos-Jimenez Electronic Media/Broadcasting
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Asheville NC 28806 Buncombe
Ty Degeal Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Arden NC 28704 Buncombe