Dean's List

Dean's List Eligibility: An undergraduate student who carries 12-14 hours of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a grade point average of 3.45 or better for the current semester. An undergraduate student who carries 15 hours of coursework and who attains a grade point average of 3.25 or better for the current semester.

Hometown information comes from the active, permanent address provided by the student. Students who have chosen to have privacy restrictions will not appear on these lists.

Fall 2024

First Name Last Name Major College or School Class City State Zip County
Emilyn Krans General Marketing
Walker College of Business
Senior Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Thomas Tarter Electronic Media/Broadcasting
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Gibsonville NC 27249 Alamance
Jackson Saunders Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Sophomore Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Seth Marshall Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Kenzie Hebert Human Services
University College
Freshman Elon NC 27244 Alamance
Jules Perez Carrillo Digital Marketing
Walker College of Business
Senior Haw River NC 27258 Alamance
Sam Lord Commercial Recreation & Touris
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Haw River NC 27258 Alamance
Cameron Gibbs General Geography
University College
Freshman Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Kailyn Lee Legal Studies
University College
Freshman Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Alana Moon Social Work
University College
Sophomore Liberty NC 27298 Alamance
Julian Patino Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Zack Bradshaw Paleontology
University College
Freshman Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Cierra Woods Social Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Burlington NC 27217 Alamance
Cara Wilborn Health Care Management
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Lilley-ann Taylor General Management
Walker College of Business
Sophomore Liberty NC 27298 Alamance
Charly Isley Dietetics
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Liberty NC 27298 Alamance
Cooper White Agroecology & Sustainable Agri
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Marleigh Rice Sales
Walker College of Business
Junior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Caleb Rivera Anthropology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Kennedy Madren Electronic Media/Broadcasting
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Snow Camp NC 27349 Alamance
Tristan Scott Studio Art
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Gibsonville NC 27249 Alamance
Christian Gore Social Work
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Eva Niparts Cybersecurity
University College
Freshman Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Brooke Walker Communication, Journalism
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Thomas Overby Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Ava Pierce Human Services
University College
Sophomore Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Coleman Mahan Construction Management
University College
Sophomore Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Sandra McKay Art Education (K-12)
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Burlington NC 27217 Alamance
Ryan Plasters Sales
Walker College of Business
Junior Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Lilly Kelly Criminal Justice
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Olivia Fisher Human Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Burlington NC 27215 Alamance
Alex Hyatt Earth Systems Science
University College
Sophomore Graham NC 27253 Alamance
Joshua Jordan Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Graham NC 27253 Alamance
Kellen Diercksen Human Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Mebane NC 27302 Alamance
Cassie Gorman Dietetics
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Burlington NC 27217 Alamance
Austin Coffey Accounting
Walker College of Business
Junior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Heather Cronan Electronic Media/Broadcasting
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Hickory NC 28601 Alexander
Sydney Trammell Social Work
University College
Freshman Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Carter Fortner General Concentration
University College
Sophomore Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Abby Teague Science and Social Studies
Reich College of Education
Senior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Emma Barham Sales
Walker College of Business
Junior Hickory NC 28601 Alexander
Blaine Hartness Criminal Justice
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Alexandro Solis Human Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Stony Point NC 28678 Alexander
Andrew Hucks General Economics
Walker College of Business
Sophomore Hickory NC 28601 Alexander
Cristian Gonzalez Sanchez Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Zachary Cothron Human Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Stony Point NC 28678 Alexander
Rachel Skinner Elementary Education
Reich College of Education
Junior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Zaylie McCann Human Services
University College
Freshman Stony Point NC 28678 Alexander
Joe Adderley Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander
Ben Boston General Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Taylorsville NC 28681 Alexander