Dean's List

Dean's List Eligibility: An undergraduate student who carries 12-14 hours of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a grade point average of 3.45 or better for the current semester. An undergraduate student who carries 15 hours of coursework and who attains a grade point average of 3.25 or better for the current semester.

Hometown information comes from the active, permanent address provided by the student. Students who have chosen to have privacy restrictions will not appear on these lists.

Fall 2024

First Name Last Name Major College or School Class City State Zip County
Lillie Faw Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Boomer NC 28606 Wilkes
Abby Curry Science and Social Studies
Reich College of Education
Junior Moravian Falls NC 28654 Wilkes
Jakon Stanley Computer Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Cynthia Baker Public Health
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Ashley Carr Creative Writing
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Roaring River NC 28669 Wilkes
Seth Wiles Anthropology
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Elkin NC 28621 Wilkes
Weston Inscore General Marketing
Walker College of Business
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Riley Ledford Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Leo Resendiz General Concentration
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Adelin Nichols Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Colby Lakey Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Cali Johnson Language Arts & Social Studies
Reich College of Education
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Jeremy Nichols Commercial Recreation & Touris
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Cameron Crowther Criminal Justice
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Grayson Lamb Public Admin / Public Mgmt
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Ben Huffman Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Walker College of Business
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Brooke Vannoy General Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Eli Williamson Cell/Molecular Biology
University College
Sophomore Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Laura Foster Studio Art
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Ferguson NC 28624 Wilkes
Riley Roten Computer Information Systems
Walker College of Business
Junior Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Zachary Brown Computer Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Macy Strelko Political Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Thurmond NC 28683 Wilkes
Dawson Osborne Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Carter Minton Sustainable Business
University College
Sophomore North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Katie Elliott Science and Social Studies
University College
Sophomore North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Susan Zepeda Health Studies
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Charity Hutchison General Management
Walker College of Business
Junior Traphill NC 28685 Wilkes
Alex Hernandez History
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Cameron Brown General Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Ethan Chapman Communication Sci & Disorders
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Wilkesboro NC 28697 Wilkes
Kennedy Marsh General Concentration
University College
Sophomore Hays NC 28635 Wilkes
Campbell Elmore General Management
Walker College of Business
Sophomore North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Ella Burgess Elementary Education
University College
Sophomore North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Regan Tullock Agriculture Education
Reich College of Education
Sophomore Elkin NC 28621 Wilkes
Dylan Miller Health & Physical Educ, K-12
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Melissa Estrada-Ortez International Business
Walker College of Business
Junior Moravian Falls NC 28654 Wilkes
Emily Holman Choral Music Ed (K-12)
Hayes School of Music
Junior Purlear NC 28665 Wilkes
Zack Carlton Social Work
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Ally Gambill Interior Design
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Myra Gambill Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Paige Wells Elementary Education
Reich College of Education
Senior Hays NC 28635 Wilkes
Carter Gregory Finance and Banking
Walker College of Business
Senior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Levi Church Digital Marketing
Walker College of Business
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Corbin McLean Nursing
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Hays NC 28635 Wilkes
Austin Stines Cybersecurity
Walker College of Business
Junior Millers Creek NC 28651 Wilkes
Nicholas Barrows Computer Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Zetta Charles General Management
University College
Freshman Moravian Falls NC 28654 Wilkes
Dylan Black Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Ronda NC 28670 Wilkes
Abigayle Myers General Concentration
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Sophomore North Wilkesboro NC 28659 Wilkes
Annabelle Lewis Art and Visual Culture
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Senior North Wilesboro NC 28659 Wilkes