Dean's List

Dean's List Eligibility: An undergraduate student who carries 12-14 hours of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a grade point average of 3.45 or better for the current semester. An undergraduate student who carries 15 hours of coursework and who attains a grade point average of 3.25 or better for the current semester.

Hometown information comes from the active, permanent address provided by the student. Students who have chosen to have privacy restrictions will not appear on these lists.

Fall 2024

First Name Last Name Major College or School Class City State Zip County
Preston Thill Construction Management
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Pisgah Forest NC 28768 Transylvania
Molly Fennessy Anthropology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Brevard NC 28712 Transylvania
Ethny Stoltzfus Veterinary Technology
University College
Sophomore Brevard NC 28712 Transylvania
Ashlan Hirsch Commercial Recreation & Touris
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Senior Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Julian Hartley History
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Maya Watkins Human Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Wingate NC 28174 Union
Olivia Ferri Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Brendan Spellman General Marketing
Walker College of Business
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Austin Brinkmeier Digital Marketing
Walker College of Business
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Emma Rozell General Marketing
University College
Freshman Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Kyle Smith General Concentration
University College
Freshman Monroe NC 28110 Union
Andrew Mehringer Actuarial Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Mailey Garner Communication Studies
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Matthews NC 28104 Union
Ava Taylor Business
University College
Freshman Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Ian Demus Furniture Design
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Sophomore Matthews NC 28104 Union
Isaac Zvanut History
University College
Freshman Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Sheridan Reilly Advertising
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Sophomore Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Derek Gaffney Sales
University College
Freshman Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Elizabeth Weisberg Exercise Science
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Claira Seighman Nutrition and Wellness
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Monroe NC 28110 Union
John Scalise General Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Sophia Tuttle Interior Design
University College
Freshman Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Star Hedrick Nursing
University College
Sophomore Wingate NC 28174 Union
Joseph Sitren Cell/Molecular Biology
University College
Freshman Monroe NC 28110 Union
Wyatt McGirt Computer Information Systems
Walker College of Business
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Hansen Dendinger Veterinary Technology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Cecelia O'Carroll Certified Chemist
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Emma Goode Business
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Sam Dowell Outdoor Experiential Education
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Junior Matthews NC 28104 Union
James Reilly Jr. Health & Physical Educ, K-12
Beaver College of Health Sciences
Sophomore Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Katelyn Calfo General Marketing
University College
Sophomore Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Nicoletta Francisci Criminology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Meg Misiak Environmental Studies
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Jaime Besio Natural Science
College of Arts & Sciences
Sophomore Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Walker College of Business
Junior Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Elyssa Ghazali Cell/Molecular Biology
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Andrew Allison Social Science
University College
Sophomore Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Keeli Morgan Business
College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
William Austin General Management
Walker College of Business
Senior Monroe NC 28110 Union
Isaac Taylor General Marketing
University College
Freshman Indian Trail NC 28079 Union
Meagan Frost General Curriculum K-12
Reich College of Education
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Carson Torzsa Finance and Banking
Walker College of Business
Senior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Erik Olsen Supply Chain Management
Walker College of Business
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Dylan Briscoe Finance and Banking
University College
Sophomore Matthews NC 28104 Union
Olivia Swinney Elementary Education
University College
Freshman Monroe NC 28110 Union
Madison Seitz Veterinary Technology
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Monroe NC 28112 Union
Sam Strawderman International Studies
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Kimberly Mejia Rhetoric and Technical Writing
College of Arts & Sciences
Junior Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Lilly Matthews General Marketing
Walker College of Business
Sophomore Waxhaw NC 28173 Union
Jack Butkovich Electronic Media/Broadcasting
University College
Sophomore Waxhaw NC 28173 Union