
Important Information about Faculty Grading


  • It is critical that all grading for all classes be completed by 1:00 p.m. on the day grades are due. For Spring 2025, the deadline is Monday, May 12th by 1:00pm.
  • Direct Access to Faculty Self-Service for grading
  • Remember that the last date of attendance will be required when faculty are issuing a grade of ‘F’, ‘U’ or ‘I’ to any student. Please review the Last Date of Attendance policy for detailed information.
  • Faculty will be able to use the Faculty Self-Service Grade change request to submit incomplete and other grade changes. The Grade Change Request can be found under the Faculty tab in Self-Service. For more information, see the Faculty Grade Change Information Information page. 

Instructions for Faculty Grading

  • Access final grades through Faculty Self-Service.
  • Login using your Appalachian State University username and password.
  • Select the Faculty tab.
  • Select the Faculty Grade Entry link.
  • Select the Course you would like to grade by clicking on it. If there is a long list of courses, you can sort the courses by column heading or use the search box on the top right to enter the term of the course or the CRN or other search criteria.
  • The Final Grade Worksheet for the course will display below the list of classes and the course you are working on will be highlighted in yellow.
  • In the Final Grade column, click on the down arrow and select the appropriate grade for each student from the drop down menu, for those students who have completed all coursework and have a calculated grade.
  • Faculty should assign a grade to all students on their grade roster and should not leave grades blank on the Final Grades page. Please assign a grade of F or U to any student who has not completed the coursework to attain a higher grade.  
  • Click on the SAVE button at the bottom right of the page to post the official grades. Faculty Self-Service will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

Other Grading Information

  • Faculty will be able to post and update grade information on the Final Grade Worksheet for the current term until the close of the grading period. For Spring 2025, the grading system will be available continuously until Monday, May 12th at 1:00 p.m. 
  • A web interface was developed so that students can view their grades as grade posting occurs.
  • The Final Grade column displays the valid grade options for a student in a drop-down menu format.
  • It is not necessary to post ALL grades for a class at once. If a final grade is not available for a student, the faculty member may skip posting a grade for that student as long as a grade is submitted prior to the end of the Faculty Grading period.
  • Grades must be rolled from the Final Grade Worksheet to Academic History to update the student's academic records. Once a grade is rolled to Academic History, the Roll column will display a green circle with a check mark. The Grade drop down menu will no longer be available for posting.

Incomplete Grade Submission

  • Faculty should use the Faculty Self-Service Grade Change Request to submit incomplete grades. The Grade Change Request can be found under the Faculty tab in Self-Service. For more information, see the Faculty Grade Change Information page.
  • Incomplete grades for the prior term are due no later than the end of the final grading period for the current term as noted on the official Academic Calendar. For example, incomplete grades for Spring and Summer terms are due by the last day to submit final grades in the following Fall term. Incomplete grades for Fall terms are due by the last day to submit final grades in the following Spring term. 
  • Contact the Records Area of the Registrar's Office (262-2097) concerning incomplete grade deadlines or extending the completion date of an incomplete.

Grade Changes for Previous Terms

  • Faculty should use the Faculty Self-Service Grade Change Request to submit grade changes. The Grade Change Request can be found under the Faculty tab in Self-Service. For more information, see the Faculty Grade Change Information page.

If you have questions concerning grading, please call the Registration Center at 262-3135 or 262-2050.