2024 Schedule Build Calendar

 Spring 2024 Schedule Build Calendar 

April 28, 2023

Course Term File rolls in Banner from the Spring 2023 course offerings to Spring 2024

May 3, 2023

Course Term File is available on Student Common DashboardCourse Build Approval System (CBAS) opens for course additions, deletions, and edits for all changes requiring Dean ApprovalHelpful guide for CBAS and  SZASECT Schedule Build and Classroom schedulingClassroom Scheduling Process begins:

  • Large General Classroom requests can be made early Fall Semester

  • SZASECT is available for classroom and building changes to courses tied to labs; building/rooms are rolled over into Banner from the previous Spring and are changeable in SZASECT throughout the scheduling season

  • SZASECT is available for classroom and building assignments for courses coded as LEC, SEM, WEH, WLH which are not tied to labs until 5 pm on October 4; building and rooms do not roll to Banner from the previous Spring; these courses are subject to Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS, and follow these classroom scheduling steps:

    • Priority/Partition Assignments can be made in SZASECT until October 4
    • Pre-Assignment Requests for space outside of department partitions can be made through September 22 in the Pre-Assignment Request Google Form  for the Associate Deans' consideration 
    • Courses without a building and room at the close of the classroom scheduling season in SZASECT (October 4) will be assigned a classroom with Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS; use the Classroom Change Request Form
    • Courses without a building and room at the close of the classroom scheduling season, October 1, will be placed into Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS; use the Classroom Change Request Form after TAS is performed; classroom schedulers need to check TAS results for classroom placements

TBD (by Depts and Deans)

Course Term File due to Deans for review and approval; access Student Common Dashboard

September 18, 2023

Course adds, deletes, and updates due from Deans & Chairs for Registrar Team processing

September 25 - October 2, 2023

Dean Review Period

Classroom scheduling process continues; classroom scheduling steps

Departments can utilize SZASECT for course updates as outlined in the SZASECT parameters and for changes not requiring Dean Approval in their College/School

Associate Deans’ Classroom Pre-Assignment Request review

October 2, 2023

CBAS approvals due from the Deans for Registrar processing in preparation for Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS

Registrar Team works on updates in preparation for final review

October 4, 2023

Final review updates due from Deans & Chairs by submitting to the Course Build Approval System (CBAS)

Registrar Team runs notes job to populate standard section notes on built courses, section notes must be added manually by departments on new or changed courses after this date

October 4 - 6, 2023

5:00 PM; Banner form SZASECT locked down for TAS courses in preparation for the Series25 Optimizer Run  (Technology Assisted Scheduling); Series25 Optimizer is run and classroom space assignments are added to Banner

October 9 - 11, 2023

Dean Review Period; Registrar Team makes edits

October 12, 2023

Pins set for advising

Edits and updates completed by the Registrar’s Team

SZASECT unlocks for TAS courses

CBAS is closed for Spring 2024

Late Schedule Build Request Form goes live for Spring 2024

Requests for classroom changes for TAS courses are made with the Classroom Change Request Google Form
Schedule posts online

November 1 - 14, 2023

Early Registration Period begins for currently enrolled students

 Summer 2024 Schedule Build Calendar

September 6, 2023

Course Term File rolls in Banner from the Summer 2023 course offerings to Summer 2024 (both Summer 1 and Summer 2)

Course information rolls excluding instructor and meeting pattern

September 19, 2023

Course Term File available on Student Common Dashboard 

Course Build Approval System (CBAS) opens for course additions, deletions, and edits for all changes requiring Dean Approval 

Summer course instructor changes may be made in CBAS only

Departments can utilize SZASECT for course updates as outlined in the SZASECT parameters and for changes not requiring Dean Approval in their College/School 

Departments are encouraged to schedule classrooms within their partition and to make interdepartmental arrangements as needed; Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS, will not be used in either Summer Session

TBD (by Depts and Deans)

Course Term File due to Deans for review and approval; access Student Common Dashboard

October 18, 2023

Course adds, deletes, and updates due from Deans & Chairs by submitting to the Course Build Approval System (CBAS) for initial review

November 1, 2023

All updated and initial data review completed by Registrar Team

November 6 - 10, 2023

Course Term File review by Deans and Chairs

December 6, 2023

Edits & updates completed by Registrar Team

Registrar's Office runs note job to populate standard section notes on built courses; section notes must be added manually by departments on new or changed courses after this date

December 6, 2023

Schedule posts online 

March 7, 2024

CBAS closes for Summer 2024

Courses in CBAS must be be cleared through the Dean level with no remaining edits in the CBAS approval queue

Courses left unapproved by the Dean will not be processed

March 7, 2024

PINS issued for Fall and Summer 2025

April 1 - April 14, 2024

Early Registration Period for currently enrolled students

Fall 2024 Schedule Build Calendar

October 3, 2023


Course Term File rolls in Banner from Fall 2023 course offerings to Fall 2024

October 11, 2023


Course Term File is available on Student Common Dashboard

Course Build Approval System (CBAS) opens ready for additions, deletions, and edits for changes requiring Dean Approval 

Classroom Scheduling Process:

  • Large General Classroom requests can be made mid Fall semester 

  • SZASECT is available for changes to courses tied to labs that do not require Dean Approval; changes requiring Dean Approval proceed through CBAS; building and rooms are rolled into Banner from previous Fall and are changeable in SZASECT; changes requiring Dean Approval proceed through CBAS

  • SZASECT places restrictions on building/room assignments for courses coded as LEC, SEM, WEH, and WLH which are not tied to labs; building/rooms do not roll to Banner from the previous Fall; these courses are subject to Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS, and follow these classroom scheduling steps:

    • Priority/Partition Assignments can be made in the CBAS Requested Building/Room field
    • Pre-Assignment Requests for space outside of department partitions can be made through February 14  in the Pre-Assignment Request Google Form (opens October 11) for the Associate Deans’ consideration
    • Courses without a building and room at the close of the classroom scheduling season will be assigned a classroom with Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS; use the Classroom Change Request Form after TAS is performed

TBD (by Depts and Deans)


Course Term File due to Deans for review and approval; access Student Common Dashboard

January 1 - February 7, 2024


Course adds, deletes, and updates continue in SZASECT and CBAS and classroom scheduling efforts continue

February 7 - 14, 2024


Dean Review Period

classroom scheduling steps continue  

Departments can utilize SZASECT for course updates as outlined in the SZASECT parameters and for changes not requiring Dean Approval in their College/School 

Associate Deans’ Classroom Pre-Assignment Request review

February 15, 2024


CBAS approvals due from the Deans for Registrar Team processing in preparation for Technology Assisted Scheduling, TAS. Registrar Team works on updates in preparation for final review

February 22, 2024


Final Review updates due from Deans & Chairs by submitting to the Course Build Approval System, CBAS

February 23, 2024


Registrar Team runs note job to populate standard section notes on built courses; section notes must be added manually by departments on new or changed courses after this date

February 26, 2024


5:00 PM; Banner form SZASECT locked down for TAS courses in preparation for the Series25 Optimizer Run  (Technology Assisted Scheduling)

February 27 - March 1, 2024


Series25 Optimizer is run (Technology Assisted Scheduling) and classroom space assignments are added to Banner

March 3, 2025


Registrar Team runs note job to populate standard section notes on built courses; section notes must be added manually by departments on new or changed courses after this date

March 4 - 6, 2024


Dean Review Period; Registrar Team makes edits

March 7, 2024


Pins set for advising 

March 7, 2024


Edits and updates completed by the Registrar Team

SZASECT unlocks for TAS courses

CBAS is closed for Fall and Summer 2024

Late Schedule Build Request Form goes live for Fall and Summer 2024

Requests for classroom changes for TAS courses are made with the Classroom Change Request Google Form

March 7, 2024


Schedule posts online

April 1 - 14, 2024


Early Registration Period for currently enrolled students

Please visit the Early Registration Access page for more information regarding upcoming pre-registration dates and times.