Academic Program Inventory Administrative View

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Level Designation Teaching Code Major, Minor or Certificate Effective Term End Term College or School Department or Program CIP Old Code
U BA 242A Geography AS GHY 450701 B108
U BS 272* Political Science AS P S 451001 E135
U Minor 996 Philosophy and Religious Studies 202440 AS P R 380001
G MA 145B Experimental 201440 AS PSY 420101 226A
U BS 142* Biology 201440 AS BIO 260101
U BS 142E Integrative Biology 202140 AS BIO 260101
U Minor 245 German AS LLC 160501 180
G MPA 279C Town, City and County Management 198810 AS P S 440401
G Certificate 111A Spanish 200740 AS LLC 160999
U BS 244A Geology AS GES 400601 B,E109
U BS 272C American Politics AS P S 451001
G MA 145C Clinical 201440 AS PSY 420101 115A
U BS 142B Cell/Molecular Biology 201440 AS BIO 260101 124A
U BS 270D Physics 202140 AS PHY 400801
U Minor 246 History AS HIS 540101 110
G MPA 279D Administration of Justice 198810 AS P S 440401
G Certificate 114A Geographic Information Science 200840 AS GHY 450701
U BS 246* History AS HIS 540101 E110
U BS 272D Int'l & Comparative Politics AS P S 451001
G MA 204* Appalachian Studies 199840 AS A S 050199 I132
U BS 142C Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology 201440 AS BIO 260101
U BS 270E Astronomy 202140 AS PHY 400801
U Minor 249 Labor Studies 200510 AS IDS 240101
G MPA 279F Not-for-Profit Management 200710 AS P S 440401
G Certificate 127A Sociology 201040 AS SOC 451101
U BS 246B Applied & Public History AS HIS 540101
U BS 272J Pre-Professional Legal Studies 199840 AS P S 451001
G MA 204E Sustainability in Appalachia 201340 AS A S 050199 204C
U BS T 142D Secondary Education 201440 AS BIO 260101 209A
U BS 270F Automation and Instrumentation 202140 AS PHY 400801