For more information about a report, click on the link below for that report. Reports can be found in E-Print and can be accessed by logging into E-Print. Be sure to use the "Drill" function in E-Print to select the specific report for the terms and/or courses that you are interested in. At this time, some reports below are only available on the WebFocus Dashboard, but E-Print access will be available soon for all reports.
Class Seats Management Reports
SZPNEED - Needs Analysis for a Specific Course
A course needs analysis report which lists new students who are not registered for a specific course in a term. This would be run primarily for ENG 1000 and UCO 1200. It can be run with or without General Education Met filter. Students who have GEP MET, CCC CORE, CIP CORE, DEG CORE in transfer work will be excluded if the General Education Met filter is used. The report includes the student name, ID, student type (Freshman or Transfer), class (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.) and number of registered hours. The E-Print reports are in PDF or TXT formats.
SZPNMJR - Needs Analysis for a Specific Major
A course needs analysis report for a specific course for a group of majors and specific prerequisite course. The report includes the student name, ID, student type (Continuing, Freshman or Transfer), class (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.), number of registered hours, level, catalog term and program/major. This job will be run On Demand for a specific course with specific programs/majors. The E-Print reports are in PDF or TXT formats.
SZPHEAL - Report of Enrolled Students in a Specific Major
A report of students enrolled in the term that are in a specific program/major for that term. The report includes the student name, ID, student record term, last term of enrollment, last term in academic history, catalog term, campus, program/major and earned hours. This job will be run On Demand for a specific program/major. The E-Print reports are in PDF or TXT formats.
SZPEPSP - Report of New Students and Their Schedule Building Progress
A report of new students for a term and the progress they have made on building their class schedules. The report includes the student name, ID, student type, number of registered hours, orientation date, transfer hours, department/major and whether they have completed ERA. There is also a summary for the report which breaks down each group by range of registered hours.This job is run during ERA periods. The E-Print reports are in PDF or TXT formats.
SZRSEAT1 - Report of 1000-3000 Seat Availability by Term
A summary report to view seats available by course. This report is sorted by college, department, and course and lists the current number of seats available in the course but is not section specific. This job is run during Registration and ERA periods.The E-Print reports are in PDF and Excel formats and are named szrseat1pdf and szrseat1exc.
SZRSEAT2 - Report of 1000-3000 Seat Availability with Detail
A detailed summary report that lists seat availability by section and course meeting times. The report includes College, Department, Course, Section, CRN, Meeting Days & Time, Max seats available, and Seats Available. This job is run during Registration and ERA periods. The E-Print reports are in PDF and Excel formats and are named szrseat2pdf and szrseat2exc.
SZRSEAT3 - Report of 1000-3000 Term Comparison Summary
A summary report that lists seats available for all 1000-3000 level courses. The report includes College, Department, Section, Course Description and a comparison for up to 5 terms with Maximum Enrollment, Snapshot Enrollment and Final Enrollment, for each term selected. This job is run during Course Term File development and ERA periods. The E-Print reports are in PDF and Excel formats and are named szrseat3pdf_fall and szrseat3exc_fall for fall runs and named szrseat3pdf and szrseat3exc for spring runs.
SZRGECMP1 - General Education Term Comparison Summary All
A summary report that lists seats available for courses by Gen Ed attribute. The report includes Attribute, Course, Section, College, Department, and a comparison for up to 5 terms with Maximum Enrollment, Snapshot Enrollment and Final Enrollment, for each term selected. The E-Print report is in an Excel format and is named szrgecmp1exc.
SZRGECMP2 - General Education Term Comparison - Old
A summary report listing enrollment numbers by Gen Ed attributes. The report includes Attribute, Course, Section, College, Department, Status, and a comparison for up to 5 terms with Maximum Enrollment, Snapshot Enrollment and Final Enrollment, for each term selected. The totals by attribute are also included on this report. The E-Print report is in an Excel format and is named szrgecmp2exc.
SZRGECMP3 - General Education Comparison Summary without Second Year Writing and Capstone Experience
This is a summary report that compares enrollment in courses that have Gen Ed attributes, except Second Year Writing and Capstone Experience, to enrollment to the same courses in prior terms. The report is sorted by Theme, and lists Theme, Course, Section, College, and Department. It also lists Maximum Enrollment, Snapshot Enrollment and Final Enrollment by term. The E-Print report is in an Excel format and is named szrgecmp3exc.
SZRGEREG - New Admits General Education Registration
This is a list of students that were admitted in a given term that enrolled in courses with Gen Ed attributes. The report shows Student Name, Banner ID, Student Type (freshmen, transfer), Admit Term, and Hours Registered. The E-Print reports are in PDF and Excel formats and are named szrgeregpdf and szrgeregexc.
SZRNEWAFTR - New Admitted and Paid Freshmen and Transfers
This is a summary report for Newly Admitted and Paid Freshmen, Transfers, and Returning students. It includes Student Type, Student Name, Banner ID, Department, Intended Major, Major Description, Term Admitted, Admit Indicator, Paid Indicator, Enrolled Indicator, Registered Indicator, Credits Earned, REGO, Receive Date, UECH Indicator, Transfer Hours, and Transfer Course. The E-Print reports are in PDF and Excel formats and are named szrnewaftrpdf and szrnewaftrexc.
SZRTERM1 - Term Comparison Summary All
This is a summary comparison report for all courses for up to 5 terms. It includes the maximum number of seats, enrollment at census 1, and actual enrollment for all courses sorted by department and broken down by course and section. This report will be run weekly. The E-Print report is in a PDF format and is named szrterm1pdf.
SZRTERM2 - Term Comparison Summary All (Excel)
This is a summary comparison report for all courses for up to 5 terms. It includes the maximum number of seats, enrollment at census 1, and actual enrollment for all courses sorted by department and broken down by course and section. This report will be run weekly. The E-Print report is in an Excel format and is named szrterm2exc.
SZRTERM3 - Term Comparison Summary by College
This is a summary comparison report for all courses up to 5 terms sorted by college. It includes the maximum number of seats, enrollment at census 1, and actual enrollment for all courses sorted by college and broken down by course and section. This report will be run weekly. The E-Print report is in a PDF format and is named szrterm3_CollegeName where CollegeName is AS, CB, ED, etc. (for example szrterm3_as for the College of Arts and Sciences, szrterm3_cb for the College of Business, etc.).
SZRTERM4 - Term Comparison Summary by College (Excel)
This is a summary comparison report for all courses up to 5 terms sorted by college. It includes the maximum number of seats, enrollment at census 1, and actual enrollment for all courses sorted by college and broken down by course and section. This report will be run weekly. The E-Print report is in an Excel format and is named szrterm4_CollegeName where CollegeName is AS, CB, ED, etc. (for example szrterm4_as for the College of Arts and Sciences, szrterm4_cb for the College of Business, etc.).
Retention Reports
SZPFRSH - New Freshmen Not Registered for Upcoming Term
A report of new freshmen for a term or for terms who haven't yet registered for the upcoming term so they can be contacted by advisors. The report includes the student name, ID, home and dorm addresses, phone number, e-mail address and advisor. This report will be run after the schedule adjustment period for the upcoming term. The E-Print reports are in PDF or TXT formats.
SZPFUTR - Report of Students Not Registered for Upcoming Term
A report of currently enrolled (both new and continuing) who have not yet registered for a future term. There are two reports -- non-graduating and graduating students. The reports include the student name, ID, college, level, program/major, e-mail address, registered hours, earned hours, cumulative GPA, and graduation status, if appropriate. The E-Print reports are in PDF or TXT formats.
Schedule of Jobs and Reports
- Detailed Information about Schedule for Associate Dean's Toolbox Jobs and Reports [PDF]
- Class Seats Management/Schedule/Course Term File (CTF) reports will be run during the Initial CTF Build, After Review of CTF and during daily registration events
- Retention reports will be run daily through Early Registration, Schedule Adjustment and Drop/Add
E-Print Information
- E-Print link (Log in using your Appalachian State University username and password; select the Prod Banner SIS repository)
- Detailed E-Print Instructions [PDF]
Contact Information
If you have questions about these reports, please contact the Registrar's Office Tech Team at 262-6824 or by e-mail at