Academic Program Inventory Administrative View

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Level Designation Teaching Code Major, Minor or Certificate Effective Term End Term College or School Department or Program CIP Old Code
U BSW 281A Social Work HS S W 440701 W123
U BSCJ 220A Criminal Justice AS P S 430104 Q170
G MM 558* Performance MU MUS 500903 O211
P EDS T 428A Educational Administration ED MCL 130401 K410
G MS 302* Accounting 198730 CB ACC 520301 J301
G MA 204* Appalachian Studies 199840 AS A S 050199 I132
G MA 237A Geography 198730 AS GHY 450701 I108
U BSBA 326A Finance and Banking 200010 CB FIN 520801 G312
U BSBA 316A Economics CB ECO 520601 G302
U BSBA 301A Accounting CB ACC 520301 G301
U BS 284* Sociology AS SOC 451101 E137
U BS 272* Political Science AS P S 451001 E135
U BS 201A Anthropology 198410 AS ANT 450201 E133
U BS 218A Community & Regional Planning AS GHY 040301 E115
U BS 270* Physics AS PHY 400801 E114
U BS 260* Mathematics AS MAT 270101 E112
U BS 246* History AS HIS 540101 E110
U BS 241* Geography 198640 AS GHY 450701 E108
U BS 219A Computer Science AS C S 110701 E105
U BS 214* Chemistry AS CHE 400501 E103
U BS T 441A Elementary Education ED LTC 131202 D418
U BS T 234A English, Secondary Education AS ENG 131305 D106
U BM T 552C Instrumental Music Education (K-12) MU MUS 131312 C271
U BA 290A Sociology AS SOC 451101 B118
U BA 271A Political Science AS P S 451001 B116
U BA 269A Physics AS PHY 400801 B114
U BA 261A Mathematics AS MAT 270101 B112
U BA 254A History AS HIS 540101 B110
U BA 242A Geography AS GHY 450701 B108
U BA 216A Chemistry AS CHE 400501 B103