You can search this information by one or more of the criteria below. You can also use the percent sign as a wildcard character in your search. For example, %Span% in the Major, Minor, and Certificate field will provide results of all majors, minors, and certificates containing Spanish in the description.
Level | Designation | Teaching | Code | Major, Minor or Certificate | Effective Term | End Term | College or School | Department or Program | CIP | Old Code |
U | Concentration | 102B | General | 202540 | AS | P R | 380201 | |||
U | Concentration | 102C | Religion and Public Health | 202540 | AS | P R | 380201 | |||
U | BS | 510I | Birth-Kindergarten Education | 202540 | ED | CLE | 190706 | |||
U | BS | 510J | Child and Family Science | 202540 | ED | CLE | 190706 | |||
U | BA | 771A | Individually Designed | 202540 | AS | IDS | 240101 | |||
U | BS | 772A | Individually Designed | 202540 | AS | IDS | 240101 | |||
U | Certificate | 775A | Cultural Resources Management | 202540 | AS | ANT | 301202 | |||
U | Minor | 776 | African and African Diaspora Studies | 202540 | AS | CAS | 050101 | |||
U | Concentration | 812B | Strength and Conditioning | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
U | Concentration | 812C | Applied Exercise Physiology | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
U | Concentration | 812D | General | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
U | Minor | 813 | Kinesiology | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
U | Certificate | 814A | Rural Public Health Preparedness and Response | 202540 | HS | PH | 512201 | |||
U | Minor | 967 | Art Management | 202540 | FA | ART | 501002 | |||
U | BS | 980A | Renewable Energy Technology | 202540 | FA | TEC | ||||
U | Minor | 981 | Renewable Energy Technology | 202540 | FA | TEC | 150507 | |||
U | Minor | 984 | Graphic Design | 202540 | FA | ART | 500409 | |||
U | Minor | 990 | Advertising Online | 202540 | FA | COM | 090101 | |||
G | Certificate | 721A | Applied Educational Research | 202540 | ED | LES | 1306001 | |||
G | Certificate | 725A | Public Library Services | 202540 | ED | MCL | 250101 | |||
G | Certificate | 773A | Mathematics Content for College Teaching | 202540 | AS | MAT | 270101 | |||
G | MS | 815* | Kinesiology | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
G | MS | 815B | Strength and Conditioning | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
G | MS | 815C | Clinical Exercise Physiology | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
G | MS | 815D | Research | 202540 | HS | KIN | 260908 | |||
U | BS | 121E | Quantitative Environmental Science | 202440 | AS | GES | 030104 | |||
U | BS | 121F | Natural Resources | 202440 | AS | GES | 030104 | |||
U | BA | 233F | Rhetoric and Technical Writing | 202440 | AS | ENG | 230101 | |||
U | BS | 272N | Legal Studies | 202440 | AS | P S | 451001 | |||
U | BS | 314A | Cybersecurity | 202440 | CB | CIS | 111003 |