Academic Program Inventory Administrative View

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Level Designation Teaching Code Major, Minor or Certificate Effective Term End Term College or School Department or Program CIP Old Code
G MS T 821A Speech-Language Pathology 201040 HS RHS 510203 707A
G MBA 305* Business Administration 201020 CB BUS 520201 305A
G MBA 305C International Business 201020 CB BUS 520201
G MBA 305D Sustainable Business 201020 CB BUS 520201
U Minor 126 Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies 200940 AS 302101
U Minor 360 Supply Chain Management 200940 CB MKT 520205
U BM T 552D Choral Music Education (K-12) 200940 MU MUS 131312
U BM T 552E General Music Education (K-12) 200940 MU MUS 131312
U Minor 605 Medical Humanities 200940 HC HON 309999
P EDS 455F Adult and Developmental Education 200940 ED CTH 130406
P EDS 455G Comm College and University Leadership 200940 ED CTH 130406
G MA 454F Adult and Developmental Education 200940 ED CTH 130406
G MA 454G Comm College and University Leadership 200940 ED CTH 130406
G MS 599* Technology 200940 FA TEC 150612 538*
G MS 599F Renewable Energy Engineering 200940 FA TEC 150612 538K
U Minor 122 French and Francophone Studies 200910 AS LLC 160901
U BSCJ 220* Criminal Justice 200840 AS P S 430104
U BSCJ 220B International Studies 200840 AS P S 430104
U BS 259E Quantitative Geoscience 200840 AS GES 400601
U BS 260D Business 200840 AS MAT 270101
U BS 260E Computation 200840 AS MAT 270101
U BS 260F Life Sciences 200840 AS MAT 270101
U BS 260G Physical Sciences 200840 AS MAT 270101
U BS 260H Statistics 200840 AS MAT 270101
U Minor 601 Global Studies 200840 AS IDS 302001
U BA 601A Global Studies 200840 AS IDS 302001
U BS 604* Sustainable Development 200840 FA S D 030103
U BS 604B Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture 200840 FA S D 030103
U BS 604C Community, Regional and Global Developmnt 200840 FA S D 030103
U BS 604D Environmental Studies 200840 FA S D 030103