Academic Program Inventory Administrative View

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Level Designation Teaching Code Major, Minor or Certificate Effective Term End Term College or School Department or Program CIP Old Code
U BM 554* Music Performance MU MUS 500903
U BM 554B Sacred Music MU MUS 500903
U BSN 809A Nursing 201040 HS NUR 513801
U Minor 819 American Sign Language 202040 HS RHS 161601
U BS 820A Communication Sciences and Disorders 201240 HS RHS 510201 484A
U BS T 825A Health and Physical Education, K-12 201540 HS RPE 131314 564A
G MS T 821A Speech-Language Pathology 201040 HS RHS 510203 707A
U Minor 575 Recreation Management HS RPE 310301 574
U BS 840* Nutrition and Foods 201040 HS NHM 513101 520*
G MS 842* Exercise Science 201440 HS HES 260908 562*
G Certificate T 811A Health and Physical Education 202140 HS RPE 310501
U BS 840B Dietetics 201040 HS NHM 513101
G MS 842B Research 201440 HS HES 260908 562B
U BS 840C Foodsystems Management 201040 HS NHM 513101
G MS 842D Strength and Conditioning 201440 HS HES 260908 562D
U BS 845A Health Care Management 201040 HS NHM 510701 328A
G MS 842E Clinical Exercise Physiology 201440 HS HES 260908 562E
U Minor 281 Social Work HS S W 440701 123
G MSN 850* Nursing 201540 HS NUR 513801
G MSN 850B Nursing Education 201540 HS NUR 513801
U BS 840D Nutrition and Wellness 202040 HS NHM 513101
U Minor 820 Communication Sciences and Disorders 201240 HS RHS 510201 490
G MHA 855* Health Administration 201640 HS NHM 510701
G MHA 855D Health Informatics 202340 HS NHM 510701
U Minor 840 Nutrition and Foods 201040 HS NHM 513101 521
G MHA 855B Information Systems 201640 HS NHM 510701
G MS 822A Occupational Therapy 202440 HS RHS 512306
U Minor 845 Health Care Management 201040 HS NHM 510701 328
G MHA 855C Leadership 201640 HS NHM 510701
G MPH 833A Public Health 202440 HS HES 512201