Guiding Principles of Classroom Scheduling
Focus efforts on classroom scheduling for the benefit of students’ access.
- Spread class schedules throughout the day/week to reduce time conflicts for students.
- Adhere to standard meeting patterns.
Monitor classroom seat and lab space utilization.
- Maintain classroom seat utilization above 65% and lab space utilization above 75%.
Abide by the Schedule Build Calendar.
- Honor the due dates.
Take advantage of the classroom scheduling steps.
- Follow the expectations of the departmental classroom schedulers in all of your arrangements.
Adhere to seat capacity limits.
- Determined by App State’s Environmental Health, Safety and Emergency Management Team, honor seat capacities.
Consult with colleagues before making changes outside of departmental partitions.
- Be mannerly in all matters of classroom space, honoring partitions, engaging in interdepartmental and intercollegiate negotiations, and consulting with all parties impacted by a change.
Reserve space in 25Live for classroom availability for students outside of regular class time.
Use the Event Reservation portion of 25Live and select the Event Type, Academic Support, to ensure classrooms and labs are available to students and faculty for maker spaces, access to class materials, practice sessions, rehearsals, assignment preparation, and co-curricular involvement, and departmental meetings, as examples.
Submit change requests before making any alterations to classroom spaces or partitions.
- Proper vetting and accurate record-keeping of classroom attributes and room use codes is essential.
- Submit changes to the Space Subcommittee through the Partition Change Request and the Room Attribute and Use Code Change forms.