Course Prefix | Subject Description |
A S | Appalachian Studies |
A T | Athletic Training |
ACC | Accounting |
ADM | Apparel Design & Merchandising |
AMU | Applied Music |
ANT | Anthropology |
ARB | Arabic |
ARH | Art History |
ART | Art |
AST | Astronomy |
BIO | Biology |
BSC | Building Sciences |
BUS | Business |
C I | Curriculum and Instruction |
C J | Criminal Justice |
C S | Computer Science |
CAS | College of Arts & Sciences |
CED | Counselor Education |
CHE | Chemistry |
CHN | Chinese |
CHS | College of Health Sciences |
CIS | Computer Information Systems |
COM | Communication |
CSD | Communication Sci & Disorders |
CTE | Career and Technical Education |
DAN | Dance |
DSN | Design |
E S | Exercise Science |
ECO | Economics |
EDL | Educational Leadership |
EDU | Education |
ENG | English |
ENT | Entrepreneurship |
FCS | Family and Child Studies |
FDN | Educational Foundations |
FER | Fermentation Sciences |
FIN | Finance, Banking and Insurance |
FRE | French |
G S | General Science |
GCM | Graphic Communications Mgmt |
GER | German |
GES | Geological & Environ Sciences |
GHY | Geography |
GLS | Global Studies |
GWS | Gender, Women's & Sexuality St |
H E | Higher Education |
HCM | Health Care Management |
HIS | History |
HON | Honors |
HOS | Hospitality Management |
HPE | Health and Physical Education |
H S | Health Sciences |
IDS | Interdisciplinary Studies |
IND | Industrial Design |
INT | Interior Design |
ITL | International Leadership |
JHP | Judaic, Holocaust & Peace Stu |
JPN | Japanese |
LAT | Latin |
LAW | Law |
LDS | Leadership Studies |
LES | Leadership and Educational Stu |
LIB | Library Science |
LIT | Literacy |
LLC | Languages, Literature, Culture |
LSA | Leadership in School Admin |
MAT | Mathematics |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MFT | Marriage and Family Therapy |
MGT | Management |
MKT | Marketing |
MSL | Military Sci and Leadership |
MUS | Music |
NUR | Nursing |
NUT | Nutrition |
OLL | Organizational Leadership Learning |
P A | Public Administration |
P E | Physical Education |
P H | Public Health |
P R | Philosophy and Religion |
P S | Political Science |
PHL | Philosophy |
PHO | Photography |
PHY | Physics |
PLN | Planning |
PSY | Psychology |
R C | Rhetoric and Composition |
R M | Recreation Management |
REL | Religious Studies |
RES | Research |
RSN | Russian |
S D | Sustainable Development |
S W | Social Work |
SAA | Student Affairs Administration |
SCM | Supply Chain Management |
SNH | Spanish |
SOC | Sociology |
SPE | Special Education |
SSU | Somatic Sustainability |
STT | Statistics |
T D | Theatre and Dance |
TEC | Technology |
THR | Theatre |
U S | University Studies |
UCO | University College |
WRC | Watauga Residential College |