Approved Program Changes


Approved Program Changes

Current programs are also searchable under the Academic Program Inventory page. 


College Codes:

CAS - College of Arts and Sciences

COB - College of Business

COE - College of Education

FAA - College of Fine and Applied Arts

CHS - College of Health Sciences

MUS - School of Music


Program Changes Effective Fall 2024  - Graduate Level


  • CHS / Department of Rehabilitation Sciences - Major in Occupational Therapy (822A)
  • CHS / Department of Public Health and Exercise Science - Major in Public Health (833A)
  • COE / Department of Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education - Certificate in Special Education Leadership (858A)
  • COE / Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development  - Concentration in School Libraries (465B)
  • COE / Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development  - Concentration in Library Science, General (465D)
  • FAA / Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment - Concentration in Renewable Technology (599I)


  • COE / Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education - Certificate in Systemic Multicultural Counseling (447A)
  • COE / Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development   - Major in Library Science, General (465A)
  • FAA / Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment - Concentration in Appropriate Technology (599B)

Program Changes Effective Fall 2024  - Undergraduate Level


  • CAS / Department of English - Concentration in Rhetoric and Technical Writing (233F)
  • CAS / Department of English - Minor in Rhetoric and Technical Writing (925)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Science - Concentration in Quantitative Environmental Science (121E)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Science - Concentration in Natural Resources (121F)
  • CAS / Department of Government and Justice Studies - Concentration in Legal Studies (272N)
  • CAS / Department of Interdisciplinary Studies - Minor in Latine/x and Latin American Studies (926)
  • CAS / Department of Philosophy and Religion - Minor in Philosophy Politics and Economics (995)
  • CAS / Department of Philosophy and Religion - Minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies (996)
  • COB / Department of Computer Information Systems - Major in Cybersecurity (314A)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science  - Concentration in Strength and Conditioning (567D)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science  - Concentration in Applied Exercise Physiology (567F)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science  - Concentration in General (567G)
  • CHS / Department of Nutrition and Health Care Management - Major in Health Sciences (846A)
  • FAA / Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment - Certificate in Zero Energy Residential Construction (617A)
  • MUS / Music - Music Performance Concentration in Jazz (554J)



  • CAS / Department of English - Concentration in Professional Writing (233C)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Science - Concentration in Life Science (121D)
  • CAS / Department of Government and Justice Studies - Concentration in Pre-Professional Legal Studies (272J)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science  - Major in Exercise Science (567A)


Other Changes Effective Fall 2024

Course Prefix Addition

  • New course prefix - International Leadership (ITL)

Program Changes Effective Fall 2023  - Undergraduate Level


  • CAS / Department of Languages, Literature, and Culture - Minor in Spanish for the Health and Helping Professions (844)
  • COB / Department of Economics - Minor in Behavioral Economics (313)
  • FAA / Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment - Certificate in Electric Vehicles (616A)
  • UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - Major in Professional Studies (924A)


  •  NONE

Program Changes Effective Fall 2023  - Graduate Level


  • CAS / Department of Psychology - Concentration in Psychological Science (145D)
  • COB / College of Business - Concentration in Cybersecurity to the Master of Science in Applied Data Analytics (304G)
  • COB / College of Business - Concentration in Cybersecurity to Master of Business Administration (305J)
  • COE / Department of Counseling, Family, Therapy and Higher Education - Major in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (709A)
  • COE / Department of Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education - Concentration in Adult Literacy (857B)
  • COE / Department of Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education - Concentration in Classroom / Clinical (857C)
  • COE / Department of Child Development,  Literacy, and Special Education - Certificate in Literacy Education (856A)*
  • COE / Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development - Certificate in Career and Technical Education (946A)
  • CHS / Department of Nutrition and Healthcare Management - Concentration in Health Informatics (855D)


  • CAS / Department of Psychology - Concentration in Experimental Psychology (145B)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Concentration in Adult Literacy (477B)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Concentration in Classroom / Clinical (477E)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Certificate in Reading Education (449A)*
  • COE / Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in Addictions Counseling (709B)
  • COE / Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in Body Centered Therapy (709C)
  • COE / Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, General (709D)
  • COE / Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in Expressive Arts Therapy (709E)
  • COE / Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in Marriage and Family Counseling (709F)
  • CHS / Department of Nutrition and Healthcare Management - Concentration in Information Systems (855B) 

* The title of the Graduate Certificate, Reading Education (449A) is now Literacy Education (856A).

Other Changes Effective Fall 2023

College of Education Department Reorganization

New Departments

  • Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education: CLSE (CLE)
  • Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education: CTH (CTH)
  • Leadership and Educational Studies:LES (LES)
  • Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum: LTC (LTC)
  • Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development: MCL (MCL)

Discontinued Departments

  • Curriculum and Instruction: CI (C I)
  • Family and Child Studies: FCS (FCS)
  • Human Development and Psychological Counseling: HPC (HPC)
  • Leadership and Educational Studies: LES (LES)
  • Reading Education and Special Education: RESE (LRE)

Program Changes Effective Fall 2022  - Undergraduate Level


  • CAS / Department of Rural Reselience and Innovation - Major in Veterinary Technology (923A)
  • COB / Department of Computer Information Systems - Minor in Cybersecurity (307)
  • COB / Department of Management - Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurial Studies (341)
  • COB / Department of Management - Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (345)
  • COB / Department of Management - Concentration in General Management (355E)
  • COB / Department of Management - Concentration in Human Resources (355F)
  • COB / Department of Management - Concentration in Sustainable Business (355G)
  • COB / Department of Management - Concentration in Innovation and Entrepreneurship(355H)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Language Arts and Mathematics (470K)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Language Arts and Science (470L)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Language Arts and Social Studies (470M)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Mathematics and Science (470N)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Mathematics and Social Studies (470P)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Science and Social Studies (470R)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Concentration in Commercial Photography (596B)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Concentration in Fine Art Photography (596C)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Advertising (986A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Electronic Media / Broadcasting (987A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Digital Journalism (988A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Public Relations (989A)
  • FAA / Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment - Certificate in Photovoltaics (958A)


  • COB / Department of Management - Major in Management (355A)
  • COB / Department of Management - Minor in Entrepreneurial Studies (347)
  • COB / Department of Management - Minor in Advanced Entrepreneurship (346)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Language Arts (470B)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Mathematics (470C)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Science (470D)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Concentration in Social Studies (470E)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Major in Commercial Photography (583A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Communication, Advertising (507A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Communication, Electronic Media / Broadcasting (525A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Communication, Journalism (517A)
  • FAA / Department of Communication - Major in Communication, Public Relations (521A)


Program Changes Effective Fall 2022  - Graduate Level


  • CAS / Department of English - Concentration in Teaching Literature and Writing (232E)
  • CAS / Department of English - Concentration in Literary Studies (232F)
  • COB / Department of Accounting - Concentration in Analytics (302E)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Graduate Certificate in Online Design, Communication, and Engagement (944A)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Graduate Certificate in Digital Media Literacy (941A)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in Instructional Technology, Specialist (400B)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in Instructional Technology, K-12 Facilitation (400C)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in Online Design, Communication and Engagement (400D)


  • CAS / Department of English - Concentration in College Teaching (232B)
  • CAS / Department of English - Concentration  in General English (232C)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Graduate Certificate in Online Learning and Professional Development (457A)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Graduate Certificate in New Media Literacies and Global Perspectives (461A)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in Instructional Technology Specialist / K-12 (437F)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in Instructional Technology Specialist / General (437G)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in Online Learning and Professional Development (437H)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Concentration in New Media Literacies and Global Perspective (437J) 


Other Changes Effective Fall 2022

  • New Department - The Rehabilitation Sciences Department (RHS) is added.
  • New Department - The Rural Resilience and Innovation Department (RRI) is added.
  • Department Name Change - The Department of Health and Exercise Science is renamed to the Department of Public Health and Exercise Science.
  • Discontinued Department - The Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Department is discontinued.


Program Changes Effective Fall 2021  - Undergraduate Level


  • CAS / Department of Biology - Concentration in Integrative Biology (142E)
  • CAS / Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences - Minor in Fermentations Science (118)
  • CAS / Department of Interdisciplinary Studies - Minor in Documentary Studies (914)
  • CAS / Department of Interdisciplinary Studies - Minor in Creative Engagement and Social Change (918)
  • CAS / Department of Physics and Astronomy - Concentration in Physics (270D)
  • CAS / Department of Physics and Astronomy - Concentration in Astronomy (270E)
  • CAS / Department of Physics and Astronomy - Concentration in Automation and Instrumentation (270F)
  • CAS / Department of Physics and Astronomy - Concentration in Interdisciplinary Science (270G)
  • CAS / Department of Physics and Astronomy - Minor in Medical Physics (919)
  • CAS / Department of Physics and Astronomy - Minor in Physics (for Secondary Education Majors) (273)
  • CAS / Department of Sociology - Concentration in Power and Social Change (284P)
  • CAS / Department of Sociology - Concentration in Criminology (284R)
  • COB / Department of Computer Information Systems - Concentration in General Computer Information Systems (310B)
  • COB / Department of Computer Information Systems - Concentration in Cybersecurity


  • CAS / Department of Sociology - Concentration in Criminology, Deviance, and Law (284L)
  • COB / Department of Computer Information Systems - Major in Computer Information Systems (310A)


Program Changes Effective Fall 2021  - Graduate Level


  • CHS / Department of Recreation Management and Physical Education - Certificate in Health and Physical Education (811A)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Certificate in Elementary Education (429A)
  • COE / Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Major in Student Affairs Administration (712A)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Minor in Autsim (474)


  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Minor in Autism Spectrum Disorders (445)
  • COE / Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in Student Affairs Practice (712B)
  • COE / Human Development and Psychological Counseling - Concentration in College Outdoor Program Administration (712C)

Other Changes Effective Fall 2021

  • The title of the B.S. program, History, Social Studies Education (116A) is now History / Social Studies Education (116A).
  • The Appalachian Studies programs within the College of Arts and Sciences merged with The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Program Changes Effective Fall 2020  - Undergraduate Level


  • CAS / Department of Anthropology - Concentration in Multidisciplinary (201E)
  • CAS / Department of Anthopology - Major in Anthropology (202A)
  • CAS / Department of Government and Justice Studies - Concentration in Public Administration / Public Management (272L)
  • CAS / Department of Government and Justice Studies - Concentration in Public Administration / Town Administrator (272M)
  • CAS / Department of Interdisciplinary Studies - Major in Interdisciplinary Studies (195A)
  • CAS / Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures - Minor in Classical and Mediterranean Civilizations (127)
  • CAS / Department of Sociology - Minor in Health and Aging (155)
  • COB  - Minor in Business Analytics (306)
  • COB / Department of Finance, Banking, and Insurance - Minor in Finance and Banking (326)
  • COB / Department of Finance, Banking, and Insurance - Minor in Risk Management and Insurance (380)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Concentration in Workforce Leadership and Development (456I)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Second Academic Concentration: Environmental Literacy: Education for Sustainability (ELS)
  • CHS / Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders - Minor in American Sign Language (819)
  • CHS / Department of Nutrition and Health Care Management - Concentration in Nutrition and Wellness (840D)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Minor in Graphic Communications Management (597)


  • CAS / Department of Anthropology - Concentration in Biological Anthropology (201C)
  • CAS / Department of Anthropology - Concentration in Archaeology (201D)
  • CAS / Department of Anthropology -  Concentration in Social Practice and Sustainability (202E)
  • CAS / Department of Anthropology - Concentration in Sociocultural Anthropology (202F)
  • CAS / Department of Government and Justice Studies - Concentration in Public Administration (272K)
  • CAS / Department of Interdisciplinary Studies - Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies (112)
  • CAS / Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures - Minor in Classical Civilizations (128)
  • CAS / Department of Sociology - Minor in Gerontology (253)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science - Concentration in Pre-professional (567B)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science - Concentration in Strength and Conditioning (567D)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science - Concentration in Clinical Exercise Physiology (567E)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Concentration in Workforce Education and Development (456G)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Minor in Workforce Education and Development (410)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Minor in Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology (572)

Program Changes Effective Fall 2020  - Graduate Level


  • COE / Department of Family and Child Studies - Certificate in Birth through Kindergarten (719A)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Education Studies - Certificate College and University Teaching (497A)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Certificate in Autism (718A)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Certificate in Special Education (720A)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Certificate in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (717A)
  • MUS / Department of Music - Certificate in Music Theory Pedagogy Research and Practice (770A)


  • CAS / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders (445A)

Other Changes Effective Fall 2020

  • The Department of Geological Science and the Department of Environmental Science merged into a new department - Geological and Environmental Sciences (GES).


Program Changes Effective Fall 2019  - Undergraduate Level


  • CAS / Department of Computer Science - Certificate in Data Science (614A)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences - Concentration Earth Systems Science (121C)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences - Concentration Life Science (121D)
  • CAS /  Department of Mathematics - Certificate in Sports Analytics (615A)
  • CAS / Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures - Concentration Spanish and Hispanic Studies (136F)
  • COB / Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management - Concentration in Digital Marketing (352D) to the BA in Marketing (352*)
  • COB / Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management - Minor in Digital Marketing (357)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Concentration in Agriculture Education (456H)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Minor in Workforce Education and Development (410)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Second Academic Concentration The Sciences (SCI)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Second Academic Concentration Language and Literacy (LLT)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Second Academic Concentration Language Learning for ELLs (LLE)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Major Graphic Communications Management (597*)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Concentration Cross Media Production (597B) 
  • FAA / Department of Art - Concentration Print / Packaging Production (597C)


  • CAS / Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures - Concentration Spanish (136C)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences - Stand alone major Environmental Science (121A)
  • CAS / Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences - Concentration Environmental Professional (121B)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Minor in Business and Information Technology Education (456)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Second Academic Concentration Natural Science (NSE)
  • COE/ Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Second Academic Concentration Language, Literacy, and the English Learner (ELL)
  • FAA / Department of Art - Major Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology (572*) 
  • FAA / Department of Art -  Concentration Cross Media Production (572D) 
  • FAA / Department of Art - Concentration Print / Packaging Production (572E)

Title Changes

  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Academic Concentration Title Change - from Foreign Languages and Literatures to World Languages and Cultures

Program Changes Effective Fall 2019 - Graduate Level


  • CAS / Department of History -  Concentration Teaching (255F)
  • CAS / Department of Psychology - Doctorate of Philosophy Psychology (715A)
  • COE / Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Certificate Teaching Emergent Bilingual Populations in Content Areas (439A)
  • COE / Department of Leadership and Education Studies - Certificate International Leadership (716A)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Major Special Education (476A)
  • CHS / Department of Nursing - Certificate Nursing Education (810A)
  • CHS / Department of Health and Exercise Science - Masters of Science Athletic Training (843A)


  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Concentration Emotional / Behavioral Disorders (476B)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Concentration Intellectual Disabilities (476C)
  • COE / Department of Reading Education and Special Education - Concentration  Learning Disabilities (476D)
  • (NOTE: The major in Special Education (476A) will remain)

Other Changes Effective Fall 2019

  • The Supply Chain Management program moved to the Marketing Department. The resulting departments are the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, and the Department of Computer Information Systems.
  • The Department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies (CGG) changed its name and department prefix to the department of Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS).
  • The Department of Art created the new course prefix GCM, Graphic Communications Management, and removed the course prefix GRA, Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology.
  • The Minor in Medical Humanities moved from the Honors College to the College of Arts and Sciences.

Program Changes Effective Fall 2018  - Undergraduate Level

  • Arts and Sciences - Addition of minor in Southern Studies (205)
  • College of Education / Curriculum and Instruction & Reading Education and Special Education - Discontinuation of minor in Teacher Education (409); addition of minor in Teacher Education for Theatre Arts (438)
  • College of Education / Family and Child Studies - Discontinuation of concentration in Family and Consumer Sciences (510F); addition of concentration in Family and Child Studies (510H) to the BS in Child Development (510*)
  • College of Education / Reading Education and Special Education - Addition of Second Academic Concentration in Exceptional Learners (EXL)
  • College of Education / Curriculum and Instruction - Addition of concentration in Workforce Education and Development (456G) to the BS in Career and Technical Education (456*)
  • Fine and Applied Arts / Theatre and Dance - Discontinuation of concentration in Performance (591C); addition of concentration in Theatre Performance (591F) to the BA in Theatre Arts (591*)
  • Fine and Applied Arts / Art - Discontinuation of minor in Commercial Photography (583); addition of minor in Photography (594)
  • Fine and Applied Arts / Theatre and Dance - Addition of minor in Somatic Sustainability (595)
  • Health Sciences / Recreation Management and Physical Education - Addition of certificate in Sport Science and Coaching (832A)
  • Health Sciences / Recreation Management and Physical Education - Discontinuation of the BS degree in Athletic Training (565A)

Program Changes Effective Fall 2018 - Graduate Level

  • Arts and Sciences / Sociology - Discontinuation of certificate in Gerontology (110A)
  • Arts and Sciences / Sociology - Addition of a certificate in Aging, Health, and Society (154A)
  • College of Business - Addition of concentration in Marketing (304E) to the MS in Applied Data Analytics (304*)
  • College of Business - Addition of concentration in Healthcare (304F) to the MS in Applied Data Analytics (304*)
  • College of Education / Leadership and Educational Studies - Discontinuation of concentration in Educational Leadership, General (702C); addition of concentration in Interdisciplinary Studies (702J) to the EdD in Educational Leadership (702*)
  • College of Education - Degree title change for MA in College Student Development (496*) to MA in Student Affairs Administration (712*); change title / program number of concentration in College Outdoor Program Administration (496C) to College Outdoor Program Administration (712B); change title / program number of concentration in Student Affairs Practice (496D) to Student Affairs Practice (712C)
  • Fine and Applied Arts / Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment - Discontinuation of concentration in Sustainable Design and Construction (599G); discontinuation of concentration in Building Science (599D); addition of concentration in Sustainable Building Design and Construction (599H) to the MS in Technology (599*)
  • Health Sciences / Nutrition and Health Care Management - Discontinuation of the standalone MS degree in Nutrition (841A); Addition of two concentrations to the MS degree in Nutrition (841*); Concentration in Dietetics (841B), and concentration in Public Health Nutrition (841C)
  • Health Sciences / Nutrition and Health Care Management - Addition of a certificate in Public Health Nutrition Practice (829A) 

Other Changes Effective Fall 2018

  • The Fermentation Sciences Program (FER) merged into the current Department of Chemistry (CHE). The name of the merged department is the Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences (CFS).


Program Changes Effective Fall 2017 - Undergraduate Level

Program Changes Effective Fall 2017 - Graduate Level

Other Changes Effective Spring 2017 and Fall 2017

  • Effective Spring 2017, all Watauga Residential College (WRC) courses and the undergraduate minor in Experiential, Integrative Learning (148) moved to the Department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies.
  • Effective Fall 2017, the Health Promotion (HP) course prefix was replaced by the Public Health (PH) course prefix.
  • Effective Fall 2017, there is a new course prefix for College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) college courses. 
  • Effective Fall 2017, there is a new course prefix for College of Health Sciences (CHS) college courses.
  • Effective Fall 2017, the Environmental Science Program merged into the current Department of Geology. The name of the merged department will be the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences (GES). 


Program Changes Effective Fall 2016 - Undergraduate Level

Program Changes Effective Fall 2016 - Graduate Level


 Other Changes Effective Fall 2015

  • Effective July 1, 2015, the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) will change its name to the Department of Family and Child Studies (FCS).
  • Effective July 1, 2015, the name of the Department of Technology and Environmental Design (TEC) will change to the Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment (TEC). Programs and courses in Interior Design (INT), Industrial Design (IND) and Apparels Design and Merchandising (ADM) will move to the new Department of Applied Design (A D). (Apparels Design and Merchandising programs and courses were formerly in the College of Education.) Programs and courses in Commercial Photography (PHO) and Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology (GRA) will move to the Department of Art (ART).

Program Changes Effective Fall 2015 - Undergraduate Level

Program Changes Effective Fall 2015 - Graduate Level


Other Changes Effective Fall 2014

  • The Department of Computer Information Systems (CIS) has changed its name to the Department of Computer Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (CIS).
  • The name of the Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science (HLES) has changed into two separate departments - the Department of Health and Exercise Science (HES) and the Department of Recreation Management and Physical Education (RPE).
  • The Bachelor of Arts in Economics with its four concentrations has moved to the College of Business, from the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • The department name of Watauga Global Community (WGC) has changed to Watauga Residential College (WGC).

Program Changes Effective Fall 2014 - Undergraduate Level

Program Changes Effective Fall 2014 - Graduate Level


Program Changes Effective Fall 2013 - Undergraduate Level

Program Changes Effective Fall 2013 - Graduate Level


Notification about the following Fall 2012 program changes were made in 2012 via e-mail:

Fall 2012 Program Changes - Undergraduate Level

Fall 2012 Program Changes - Graduate Level